Problems Again
We arrived in Baltimore last Tuesday and we liked it so much we decided to stay until Saturday. As we left Saturday morning we could smell rubber burning. It wasn't me it was the alternator again. So back to the anchorage to make arrangements to get a new alternator. To avoid burning up wires and equipment on the boat we decided to have the boat towed to the closest marina. So here we are waiting again. Sunday I called Doug in Kingston who I bout the alternator from and he answered the phone (on a Sunday morning). Doug took all my information and would get things moving on Monday. Today is Tuesday and I received the new alternator at 9am. I could install this myself but I would like to get a mechanic to look at this and find out why this new alternator burned out. So last week we walked around Baltimore to see the sites. Around the water it's very nice.
There's lots of cobblestone streets
Also here's two bar's next door to each other. I'm not sure if this is an Entrance and an Exit !
We also had a few pirates pass by our anchorage
And now it's time for more "So Here's Interesting Tidbits" that's SHIT for short.
If you were following the Blog you will remember we were in Harve De Grace. Who has ever heard of Harve De Grace USA? So here's some interesting facts (and this is good shit) Harve De Grace trace it's roots back to 1608 when Captain John Smith explored here and found a group of Susquehannock Indians. 174 years after that Marquis De Lafayette proposed to build a city here called Harve De Grace after the city in France where he was from Harve. Harve De Grace means "City Of Mercy" Of course in the war of 1812 the British came and burned down the city. Some guy named John O'Neil tried to stop them but failed. But he became a hero of the town and he was given the job as the Light House Keeper at Concord point.
In 1789 the nation was considering two places for the nations capital and it was Harve De Grace and Washington. After a vote that was a tie the speaker of the house decided it would be Washington.