Laurie and Ken

Laurie and Ken




  1. Hi Ken and Laurie,
    Great photos. Looks as though you are having a great time despite the leaks! Thinking of you both. Love Nigel and Sue

  2. Hi you two!! looks like your relaxing and having a good time despite the issues, there will always be issues!! We are keeping our eyes on you. xox love Art and Gin

  3. time for more photos, is Laurie still a crew member? Haven't heard from her since you left Bronte. Tell her to quit slacking. You are now in USA .... RUM is cheap so issues become smaller or at least more tolerable.

  4. Woohoo your on your way and in the US!! fingers crossed no more problems with the boat. Miss you guys be safe
    Art and Gin xo

  5. Hi Ken and Laurie:We just got back from Ottawa. Glad to see you are well on your way and hopefully no more snags. Good job on fixing the dark water leak makes the cabin air safer and fresher.
    Ken and Paulina

  6. Ian and I are always happy to hear from you, still hard to believe you are living like pirates while we work our Monday to Friday gig back on dry land! Great blog, will try and check in more often. xo Sherri

  7. Hey Mother & Ken,,, Love your BLog so far.. keep up the awesome experience and keep having fun. Hope to come see you guys in the near future maybe the Bahamas :) Love James & Kyra!

  8. Hi you two! Finally back from Australia and so I took the time this morning to catch up on your blog. You are having an adventure of a lifetime!!! I love vicariously through you as I read the posts... ☺

  9. Allo, parlez-vous francais? Je suis un gars qui trip voile. Je me suis acheté un Catalina 22 pour me pratiquer au Québec...
    Je me cherche une place comme membre d'équipage pour apprendre à naviguer.

  10. Hey Mom And ken ! Just wanted to say hi and hope your trip is going fantastic:) Ps happy mothers day to the most wonderful mom! Love you guys!

  11. James btw☝

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hope you and Laurie stay out of harms way and your home makes it through the storm.
