Sunshine every day BUT HOT!
We are happy we made the decision to get back to the coast and out of the mountains. We are sitting back and relaxing during the day and watching the clouds build over the mountains and we are glad we are not there. We are staying in some great camps with beautiful pool areas. BUT the most important thing is that the holidays are over and the kids are back to school and every one is back to work. Now when we check into a camp ground they tell us to just pick a spot any where!The pool at Kirrmine beach on the Sunday, there was still a few kids around. Laurie loved the pool area and wanted so bad to get on the pool toys but the kids wouldn't get off for her!
Laurie waiting for her turn to play on the pool toys!
Sunday afternoon, empty camp sites.
A walk down the beach in the late day.
We left Kerrmine Beach Park on Monday morning and we were one of two campers left in the park. Our next stop was Lucinda, it was a very small town where not much happens. As we drove into the area of Lucinda I had to stop and get a picture of the town hotel. All the small towns have the exact same hotel buildings. There big hotels with the pub downstairs and rooms upstairs.
We also saw off the highways hundreds of the ant hills.
When we drove into the camp grounds at Lucinda we looked for a shaded spot.
Pick any spot you want!
So it was close to the palm tree!
And in front of the lime tree!
Set up and then to the pool.
Great pool
Kitchen area near the pool
This little green bird would fly low over the pool for a drink. Some times it would slow down and splash a bit to cool off. Fun to watch!
It was back to the camp site to relax a bit before we wander down to the beach area. When we arrived back we found our security guard patrolling the area.
This is a Bush Stone Curlew. It seems to be very territorial and its always chasing everything away from it's area. So he was watching our camp site for us.
As we relaxed under the coconut tree BUT not right under the falling coconuts I noticed some one else watch over us!
Our van was being well watched in this empty camp ground so we went for a walk down to the beach.
Here the swimming net is rolled up and not being used right now.
This is a 5.7 kilometer conveyer belt delivering sugar to ships in the channel.
After a short walk we stopped at a small fish and chip place and got an order to go. We had Barramundi. I was very surprised how good this fish is for you!
The next day we were off to Rollingstone about a 2 hour drive south. When we arrived we wanted to choose a spot near the ocean and in the shade. We didn't want to pay the extra to be right on the ocean and the spot we found was perfect. We needed shade because the next 2 days the temperature is going to be 36c or 97f with 80% humidity. So we are in the shade, close to the ocean breeze, next to the pool and close to the wash rooms and camp kitchen. We like it here and there's only a few campers.
Here's a ocean front camp site at low tide.
Empty camp grounds.
Here you can see over the camp kitchen area the clouds building in the mountains. Another rainy day up there!
Great pool area.
Next stop tomorrow, I don't know yet!