CFB Winnipeg
I started work in Winnipeg late June to do survey's on all equipment on site. We completed the work on schedule late August because the onsite phone tech's were very organized.
17 Wing CFB Winnipeg is Air Force and NORAD, here is the equipment they have on sight.
CT-142-Dash 8
I didn't see the C 130 Hercules stationed there but it looked like they came in for repairs some times
Inside the C130
The F-18 would fly in once a week from Cold Lake Alberta
On the way to the base there is a monument of a F116 Freedom Fighter
At the back of the base I met a young man who is restoring old equipment and old planes.
Gun Turret Ejection Seat
When we arrived we met Erin the contractor for Telus in Winnipeg. He was going to be the lead tech on this job. Erin was great to work with and he treated us very well. Erin lives outside of Winnipeg in the country and he invited us out for a BBQ.
Erin's new BBQ
Erin also treated us to a ball game in down town Winnipeg. We watched the game from an owners box that was a lot of fun.
Myself, Daryl, Erin, Perry
We were also lucky enough to go to a CFL Winnipeg Blue Bombers game.
We found that sitting down at the Forks was a great past time while having a few beers. The Forks is a great park where the Red River and the Assiniboine River meet. It looks like they have renovated an old factory and built in some restaurants, shops, and bars. It was nice to sit have a beer and watch the world go by!

I know I can speak for the others and thank Erin and his family for being a great host. I hope we get to got back to Winnipeg to finish the work.