Laurie and Ken

Laurie and Ken

Thursday, 20 October 2016

We Are Having Fun Now!
We are into our fourth day into our rally and we are having a great time. Today we are in Elizabeth City N.C. When we arrived the temperature was 92 degrees. We have a rest day today so we are touring the downtown. I was hoping to see Sheriff Andy Taylor and deputy Barney but I haven't seen them yet!
Here's some pictures coming down what they call the Virginia Cut.

Last night we all went for prim rib dinner. You could order 16 or 32 ounce. Good stuff!

So it's time again for "So Here's Interesting Tidbits" S.H.I.T. for short
And I have lots of SHIT today. It seems like I'm full of it!

The water here is a very strange color "Tannan" The water will make the side of your boat turn brown and here they call it the brown mustache. The water gets this color when the tannic acid and the tides combine. Tannins are released from decaying vegetation, roots, leaves, and mostly cypress and junipers. Incoming tides bring in clear salt water from the ocean and outgoing tides pull out the tannic acid water. The mix looks like the picture below.
Look at the color!

More Shit

This is another great small town. They called this the city of hospitality and for good reason.

Learn a lesson in hospitality from the legendary Rose Buddies.

Fred Fearing and Joe Kramer, the original Rose Buddies, put together their first impromptu meeting in 1983. It was a wine and cheese party for 17 visiting boaters, and it started an ongoing tradition that's become something of legend around the Harbor of Hospitality.

What's in a name, you ask? The Rose Buddies got their title from Joe Kramer, an avid rose Gardner, who clipped a rose from his garden for each of the visiting boaters at the original meeting. The name stuck, as did the tradition, which has grown over time by word of mouth.

Today, the Rose Buddies can be spotted by their shirts and mariners caps, often coasting along the docks in the Rose Buddy golf cart, stopping to greet and chat with incoming boaters. The Buddies are simply citizens of Elizabeth City, who are eager to share with visitors the perks of Elizabeth City and offer them a little of the city's famous hospitality.

It takes a great place to inspire a group like the Rose Buddies, enthusiasts who share both a passion for boating and a love of the Harbor of Hospitality.

Read more on the coastline of Elizabeth CIty, NC.

Today after we arrived we all went to the welcome center for free wine, beer, cheese, crackers, chips and chicken tenders. Of course all the girls received roses. What a great place.

More Shit

Elizabeth City is where the Wright Brothers came by train and then got onto a boat to go to Kitty Hawk to start doing test flights in 1907.

I did not know that!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting S.H.I.T. sounds like the adventure is well underway. You are living the dream! We however have been living a nightmare!
