Laurie and Ken

Laurie and Ken

Monday, 15 August 2016

Everything Seems To Been Fine
We motored to Cape Vincent from Ganaoque on Sunday against a strong wind but no waves. We were in the St Lawrence so the waves were not to big. On our way we noticed a lot of trees have turned brown because of a lack of rain. It's been a hot month. It was a four hour trip but it was busy. Checking the engine and checking the batteries every half hour. All went well except for a small leak. I'm going to look for that maybe tomorrow if I have time. Cape Vincent NY is a very small town and we were told the best way to come into town is by water. If you come in by high way you will see all the run down houses and stores. We noticed some thing very different about this town. We could hear the dog barking about three blocks away. WOW it was so quiet. We stayed on the fisheries dock after checking in with customs.

So with all the research I did over the winter I missed something. I ordered a cruising sticker by mail for a boat over 30 feet to cruise in New York. NOPE didn't need that, I needed, not a cruising sticker but a cruising license. So the customs people gave me a cruising license and now I have to call in at certain cities and check in until I leave the U.S from Miami.
Today we are in Little Sodus Bay NY to take down the mast so we can go up the Erie Canal system. It was a long nine hours to get here from Cape Vincent. No wind but at least the waves were going in our direction. We  got a lot done today getting the mast ready. A little more to do tomorrow and we can get it down and on our way, if the weather co operates. This is another small marina and very quite. Very nice place.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! You are finally on your way - congratulations!!
