Laurie and Ken

Laurie and Ken

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Still Waiting
We thought we were going to get away today but it's going to be a few more days. Kevin The diesel guy is doing a great job. There's so many small problems that he can't get to the all of them at once. So we sit down and figure out what's wrong and then I fix the stuff I can do and he does his stuff. So we are almost there. Kevin is very good at what he does but he only does this part time as does all the other mechanics in this area. So I have been busy through out the day fixing what I can do and he comes after dinner and does as much as he can. I have full confidence in Kevin to fix everything right so we won't have any more problems.
 It's been a very hot two weeks here but it's the best place to be, on the water with a breeze. All though it's been a warm breeze it's still better than being in town. The nights have been different. When you go to bed it's to hot for covers so the mosquitoes have there fun with you. So you spend most of the night slapping yourself in the face hoping your going to get that little bugger! Then in the morning as you wake up the flies are having there turn. With no covers on, they land on you then jump around and land on you every where they can. So your slapping them in the morning. So you wake up early in the morning slap happy! No need for an alarm clock! We have book our slip until Sunday here in Gananoque but we hope to be gone before then.

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